Green snake Look photo editing tutorial in snapseed

Green snake Look photo editing Hello friends, we have brought for you Snake New and Glowing Photo Editing which is a very good editing. We are going to learn this editing step by step. If you want to learn all the photo editing then read the complete post

You all must be aware that there are many applications in the market but we will use only one of them, which is named this application, you get to install it for free, it is a very good editing application.

Green snake Look photo editing

Share snake green background on snapseed

We will give you a background in this post, which you have to simply save the background and open it in snapeed application, now you must know how to do it, otherwise after this whatever photo you want to edit, you have to select it. To do this, I will tell you some rules which you must follow daily. First of all, you have to click on the pencil icon, otherwise an option of double exposure

will appear at the bottom, you have to click on that option, after that the gallery will open automatically. Once done, you can select whichever model you want to select from here, otherwise some tools are also given here with which you can remove the extra part of the background, otherwise you can get both of them matched, in this way you will get the first type. to use tools from

Snake green photo editing adjust color from tune image

You all must know the name of that tool, what kind of tools have been given in Snapseed with the help of which your boys can easily make adjustments. You will get to see many types of functions in the tool, but the functions which we will tell you, you have to select them.

Otherwise, you do not have to do any option, okay, you have to click on the pencil icon, now you have to click on the first option, after clicking on it, you will see a lot of options, so we have to come to the last one. Will give some notice, you have to keep the adjustment in such a way that you have to read the brightness a little and then come to the last option, you can keep it as per your choice.

  1. CONTRAST +20
  2. SHADOWS +11
  3. WARMTH +15
  4. AMBIANCE +20

make photo good looking

Now to make the photo look good, you can use various types of tools made in Snapseed like Why Vintage tool or tool blackens your photo with all four colors otherwise it looks quite good and gives good looking look to the photo. To make it even better, you can use something as per your choice.

Snake green photo editing to whiten face

As you all know, photo editing is done but if the face does not glow then the photo does not look good at all, then to complete this half-baked editing, we will lighten the color of the face, for that we will use this tool. And it is very easy to make the face fair, which we will explain in some steps

and you will understand it well, like first of all you have to identify your editing, how the highlights and shadows are left, otherwise it should be done correctly. Then you get the option of a selective tool, which you can do easily, otherwise inside it you will see a lot of options like structure, saturation, brightness, you

have to manipulate it and do it in this way, mostly seen. You have to take it towards plus, your face color will become fair and the face of the photo will look very good. In this way, you can make the face color fair very easily.

Add effect effect to photo

Friends, this is our last step, we will add more effects to the photo, as we have already told that many types of effects can be seen, but if you want professional effects, then you can use third party applications but only one. Use two applications, not more than this. If you use more than this, the quality of your photo deteriorates and editing becomes completely useless, so we suggest that

after Snapseed, you can move towards Light Room. Because many types of features and functions are provided in it and you will also find it easy because it is a power application which we can use easily, otherwise we suggest something which you can use if your

photo is not complete. If you are not editing properly, then use the color mixing tool and you feel that the color mixing is completely done, then you can come to the effects of Lightroom because these functions are provided very well and after doing them, your The photo looks exactly like

Photoshop, this is how we do the editing, otherwise if the light of your photo is not adjusted properly then you can sometimes use Auto Suggest because it is very easy, your light adjustment can be done easily with one click. I hope you have understood editing like this. If you like photo editing then please comment.